G&S Clearance reserves the right to charge interest at upto the maximum rate of +8% per the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (interest) Act 1998 or subsequent revision of the same. Upon demand all monies outstanding should be paid including interest of any outstanding debt. Any payment Mae by the customer shall be deemed conclusive proof of entitlement to full payment for the relevant invoice(s) and shall be treated by the customer as an admission accordingly.
G&S Clearance reserves the right to recover the debt by any method seemed necessary within those allowed by the laws of England and Wales, including and within transferring of debt to a separate entity for the collection via bailiff or court, as deemed necessary by that entity plus costs for recovering or attempting to recover from the customer outstanding fees and charges.
Not withstanding the credit control measure in place for normal debt recovery should G&S Clearance need to implement further recovery systems for debt colder than the credit agreed period, including and irrevocably the hiring of a separate entity. G&S Clearance reserves the right to charge an administrative fee, plus and including £40/hour as deemed necessary within a reasonable time share allocated for the debt to be recovered via litigation.
The maximum payment term for invoiced jobs is 30 days from invoice date.