August 29, 2024

Waste management and recycling made simple: 10 tips for clearing out your garage

Have you ever opened your garage door and wondered where the devil all of this stuff has come from? We’ve all been there, we start with just a car and a few tools, then as if by magic the garage is packed to bursting, not only with items that you need to store, but all type of long-forgotten detritus that will never be need again.


If you put some time aside for rubbish clearance, by sorting through the chaff you can identify the stuff you want to keep, which items should be sold and what can be recycled, whilst freeing up valuable storage space for other things.


1.      Get organised

Let’s be honest, any type of domestic rubbish removal operation is going to dirty work, it requires you to roll your sleeves up and get stuck in.  But before you do that, you’ll need a space for you to sort out what should go and what should stay.The first job is to set aside a mini sorting area, you can use bin bags or boxes, just ensure that you can separate accordingly and get a system going.


2.      Start at the top

As daunting garage clearance may be, it can be made more palatable by splitting it into separate tasks. For example, start at the top, as you’ll find the oldest and least used items secreted on a top shelf or stuffed in a corner. These will be the easiest to earmark for the domestic rubbish removal pile.


3.      Clean and tidy

Once everything is out of the garage, you’ll most likely need to give it a thorough going over with a sweeping brush and possibly a good clean.  Get rid of any creepy crawlies that have moved in and make any necessary repairs.


4.      Update your space

Now that you have removed everything from the garage and you have all of this space, you can decide how you want to use it more efficiently. You may want to simply store your car and tools, or fit extra cupboards and shelves or maybe install a home gym, the choice is yours.


5.      Think inside the box

There lots of interesting and innovative storage solutions around, for example, a quick scan of Ikea’s website will give you plenty of food for thought. One great idea that is good for keeping pesky bits and bobs is to get hold of some plastic storage bins, which will protect from dust and damp.


6.      Hanging around

If space is too tight for cupboards, you could consider utilizing the wall or ceiling by installing pegboards, hooks or ceiling racks. This is a great way of making sure items are close to hand, whilst freeing up floor space.



7.       Be decisive

With the exception of tools and very specific items that are only needed once every blue moon, we are all guilty of holding on to stuff on the off-chance we may wear it, ride it or use it again. Let’s be honest; if you haven’t needed that old jacket, jeans, boots or bike in 12-months… will you ever need them again?


8.       Sell,sell, sell

It may make it easier to relinquish pre-loved items if you can make a bit of extra money by selling them online. There are lots of options, linked vinted and ebay, where you can list all sorts of items, for someone else to enjoy. If you are feeling generous, you could donate items to charity, which will give you a warm fuzzy feeling and someone else gets to benefit.


9.       Sort into groups

In your house, you most likely have a sock draw and an underwear draw etc. so why store things in your garage using a scatter gun approach. Instead, it makes more sense to sort items in to groups. For example,all Christmas decoration together or all summer garden equipment together, this means you can rotate its position depending upon the time of the year.


10.   Rubbish removal

Now that you have your piles labelled, rubbish removal, recycling, selling, you can book a professional waste management company to remove the detritus, safely and legally. If you have old furniture, PCs,phones or fridges that have toxic elements, its important to make sure they are removed, disposed and recycled safely.  Brighton waste management company, G&S Clearance, is fully regulated and licenced to remove all types of house hold and garden rubbish. If you want to donate items to charity or to be recycled,they will also arrange for this to be carried out.


In conclusion, if you look at the entire job of garage clearance it can seem like a large mountain to climb.Yet, if you break it down into manageable parts and request assistance from a professional waste management service, it is no longer a mountain climb, it’s more like a walk in the park.


If you would like assistance with household rubbish removal and recycling in the Brighton area, please contact G&S Clearance on WhatsApp:  or email

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